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==Showcase visualizations==
===Graph (network) of all hosts connected to Megaira polyxenophila and their other interactions===
Megaira polyxenophila [[Item:Q141|Q141]] is an intracellular bacterium in a wide diversity of host taxa. This query includes sub-species of Megaira polyxenophila.
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX pp: <>
PREFIX ppt: <>
PREFIX pps: <>
PREFIX ppss: <>
PREFIX ppsq: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?host ?hostLabel ?pic ?linkto ?linktoLabel ?edgeLabel WHERE {
  ?host pps:P19 ?s.
  ?s ppss:P19/ppt:P29* pp:Q141 # include items with parent taxon Q141
    ?host pps:P19 ?statement.
    ?statement ppss:P19 ?linkto.
    OPTIONAL { ?statement ppsq:P20 ?edge }
  OPTIONAL { ?host ppt:P33 ?pic }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
===Draw taxonomy tree for Eukaryota (9-rank PR2 v5.0.0 taxonomy)===
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX pp: <>
PREFIX ppt: <>
SELECT ?root ?rootLabel ?item ?itemLabel ?item2 ?item2Label ?item3 ?item3Label ?item4 ?item4Label ?item5 ?item5Label ?item6 ?item6Label ?item7 ?item7Label ?item8 ?item8Label ?item9 ?item9Label WHERE {
  BIND(pp:Q609 AS ?root)
  BIND(ppt:P29 AS ?property)
  ?item ?property ?root.
    ?item2 ?property ?item.
      ?item3 ?property ?item2.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?item4 ?property ?item3.
        OPTIONAL {
          ?item5 ?property ?item4.
          OPTIONAL {
            ?item6 ?property ?item5.
            OPTIONAL {
              ?item7 ?property ?item6.
              OPTIONAL {
                ?item8 ?property ?item7.
                OPTIONAL {
                  ?item9 ?property ?item8.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
ORDER BY (?itemLabel) (?item2Label) (?item3Label) (?item4Label) (?item5Label) (?item6Label) (?item7Label) (?item8Label) (?item9Label)
===Bubble chart of numbers of interactions by symbiont localization===
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX pp: <>
PREFIX ppt: <>
PREFIX pps: <>
PREFIX ppss: <>
PREFIX ppsq: <>
PREFIX ppsr: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?localization ?localizationLabel (COUNT (DISTINCT ?interaction) AS ?count)  WHERE {
  ?host pps:P19 ?interaction.
  ?interaction ppss:P19 ?symbiont.
  ?interaction ppsq:P20 ?localization.
  FILTER (!ISBLANK (?localization))
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?localization ?localizationLabel
===List all taxon items===
===List all taxon items===
<sparql tryit="1">
<sparql tryit="1">
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===Draw graph of all hosts connected to Megaira polyxenophila and their other interactions===
Megaira polyxenophila [[Item:Q141|Q141]] is an intracellular bacterium in a wide diversity of host taxa. This query includes sub-species of Megaira polyxenophila.
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX pp: <>
PREFIX ppt: <>
PREFIX pps: <>
PREFIX ppss: <>
PREFIX ppsq: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?host ?hostLabel ?pic ?linkto ?linktoLabel ?edgeLabel WHERE {
  ?host pps:P19 ?s.
  ?s ppss:P19/ppt:P29* pp:Q141 # include items with parent taxon Q141
    ?host pps:P19 ?statement.
    ?statement ppss:P19 ?linkto.
    OPTIONAL { ?statement ppsq:P20 ?edge }
  OPTIONAL { ?host ppt:P33 ?pic }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
===Draw taxonomy tree for Eukaryota (9-rank PR2 v5.0.0 taxonomy)===
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX pp: <>
PREFIX ppt: <>
SELECT ?root ?rootLabel ?item ?itemLabel ?item2 ?item2Label ?item3 ?item3Label ?item4 ?item4Label ?item5 ?item5Label ?item6 ?item6Label ?item7 ?item7Label ?item8 ?item8Label ?item9 ?item9Label WHERE {
  BIND(pp:Q609 AS ?root)
  BIND(ppt:P29 AS ?property)
  ?item ?property ?root.
    ?item2 ?property ?item.
      ?item3 ?property ?item2.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?item4 ?property ?item3.
        OPTIONAL {
          ?item5 ?property ?item4.
          OPTIONAL {
            ?item6 ?property ?item5.
            OPTIONAL {
              ?item7 ?property ?item6.
              OPTIONAL {
                ?item8 ?property ?item7.
                OPTIONAL {
                  ?item9 ?property ?item8.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
ORDER BY (?itemLabel) (?item2Label) (?item3Label) (?item4Label) (?item5Label) (?item6Label) (?item7Label) (?item8Label) (?item9Label)

==Maintenance queries==
==Maintenance queries==

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